- EAP services are FREE and paid for by your employer & offered as a benefit to employees and their families.
- Your EAP services are strictly CONFIDENTIAL.
- The Sarah Bush Lincoln EAP staff of behavioral health professionals can help with a wide range of problems including:
Family or marital conflict
Divorce/stepfamily adjustments
Grief recovery
Stress management
Workplace conflict
Coping with health problems
Depression and other emotional illness
Adjustments in life
Anger management
Immediate or urgent issues
Substance use problems
ADHD Counseling
To arrange an appointment, call: 217-258-4040 – https://www.sarahbush.org/
Monday: 8am to 5pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 8am to 8pm
Wednesday: 8am to 5pm
Friday: 8am to 3pm
Learn to Live: BlueShield of Illinois HELP TO DEAL WITH BUMPS IN LIFE’S ROAD
Life is full of twists, turns and obstacles. We can help smooth the ride. Learn to understand and overcome challenging thoughts and feelings with online mental health tools from Learn to Live. Confidential programs for ages 13 and up include:
- Stress, anxiety and worry
- Depression
- Sleep problems
- Social anxiety
- Substance abuse
- Panic
- Resilience
If you’d like a little extra support, you can work with a coach by phone, text or email. It’s all included with your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois health plan. Watch to learn more about this program: INTRODUCTION VIDEO
Get started on your path to better mental health. Take a confidential assessment today.
Visit Learn to Live and enter code BETTERME leaving site icon to get started – learntolive.com
The Living Room Project
A new mental health resource called “The Living Room” has opened in Marshall, Illinois and it’s provided free of charge.
They are located in the basement of the Forsythe Center, located in the Human Resources Center building at 406 N. Second street.
It’s a drop-in center for adults who are struggling with their mental health. The service is funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Forsythe Land Company. Anyone who comes by will be able to meet with a mental health professional in a comfortable “living room” style setting.
“They’ll get to just talk. If they want to, find out what they need. Some people just need to vent. Some people need to do recovery activities like relaxation, figure out a coping skill for depression, things like that. Then, if it rises to a level of crisis, then we have trained staff who can provide crisis intervention,” explained Terra Ogle, supervisor of The Living Room.
Ogle says a service like this has been offered for about the past year and a half in Paris, Illinois, and she says it has been well-utilized by that community. She hopes the location in Marshall helps meet a need as well.
The Living Room is open Monday through Friday from 9am until 5pm. The center also has a 24-hour crisis line which can be accessed by calling 217-712-9766.